Our chairman, Richard Homewood, writes: Imagine coping with a Triage and Isolation Facility like this? This is what the Health Centre in our twin town has to cope with to triage potential victims of Covid-19 alongside other diseases such as malaria, HIV and TB, as well as providing ante and post-natal care in a country with one of the highest rates of infant mortality in the world. Identification of these deadly and highly infectious diseases and keeping victims apart from mothers and children is vital. During our visit in February we discussed what was needed and plans were drawn up on our return for a new unit. Estimates were obtained and £21,000 is needed to build it and help stop the spread of disease in the community. Raising funds is difficult at the moment and there are many demands on our finances but our twin town community really needs our help. Anything you can give will go a long way. You can donate through Give as you Live on line here, if you go to Support us and Donate on the Home page.